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Nicole Cabell, Alyson Cambridge, Will Liverman, Lake Forest Symphony, Vladimir Kulenovic
Sisters in Song
Orion Ensemble
Twilight of the Romantics
Pacifica Quartet
Mendelssohn: The Complete String Quartets
Pacifica Quartet, Menahem Pressler
Brahms Piano Quintet / Schumann String Quartet
Pacifica Quartet, Chicago Sinfonietta, Rachel Barton Pine
Cedille on the Move
Pacifica Quartet, Anthony McGill
American Stories
Declarations: Music Between the Wars
Dvorak: Quartet Op. 106 and Quintet Op. 97
American Voices
Contemporary Voices
Pacifica Quartet, Sharon Isbin
Souvenirs of Spain & Italy
String Quartets by Easley Blackwood